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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Laura Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Laura - Essay Example Quick moving things are being recorded in the store managers’ hand-held PC so as to hand-off the message to the administrative center and its focal structure group. With regards to creation, Laura decided to print generally 40% of its own texture and produces 80% of its completed items. This creation technique permits Laura to be progressively adaptable in reacting to the abrupt changes in design pattern. Having an effective coordinations and Laura’s responsibility to create novel and chic dress favored by its objective buyers all through UK and Europe inside a limited capacity to focus 15 days makes the organization ready to stay aware of the quick changing design patterns. By persistently extending its market dissemination by means of expanding the quantity of its store outlets, phone/mail request activity, and contributing on online list and requesting framework including its act of changing the store dress plans like clockwork makes the yearly deals increment over the The quality of Laura’s creation framework incorporates its capacity to decide the pattern of in-design garments and its quick reaction to the customers’ needs and needs by putting on a minimal effort in-house article of clothing creation that is mindful in printing its own textures, cutting, and sewing of pieces of clothing in the nick of time for conveyance. The advantage of such creation technique is that it permits Laura to quickly react to the customers’ continually changing favored design style inside a limited ability to focus 15 days. The issue with this sort of creation technique is the way that its rivals are setting aside more cash from re-appropriating the creation of articles of clothing in underdeveloped nations by mass. In accordance with a much lower cost of creation, Laura’s contenders can sell their product offering at a much lower cost. Hence, Laura can't enter the lower end of the business sectors that are
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Corruption in Law Enforcement Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Debasement in Law Enforcement - Research Paper Example Or maybe, a synchronized arrangement structure is required most. The current paper is planned for concentrating on the different parts of debasement in the circle of law authorization and policing. The paper has three sections: Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion. Conversation Corruption in law authorization is an intense issue since it is a sort of malevolence that can render the entire open organization arrangement of a nation ancient. At the point when law implementation authorities started to enjoy taking kickbacks as whores, cash, extravagance things, and so forth and help the lawbreakers to get away from the range of law, a procedure of unavoidable social and managerial decay sets in. Neighborhood infamous components like the dealers, mafia, sex criminals, and so on may turn out to be amazing to such an extent that they start to challenge the standard of law, defy the authority of the state, and start their own arrangement of sorted out wrongdoing. â€Å"Police offices ar e continually endeavoring to improve enlistment, application, and preparing systems and to distinguish those people most appropriate to satisfy the jobs of the cop. It is thusly basic to comprehend the subtleties of officers’ impression of defilement to scatter the most complete data as possible.†(Jenks et al, 2012, p. ... Law requirement is a zone that is normally taken care of by the administration. Government procures the vital assets to fund the law requirement divisions from open part and different wellsprings of incomes. Now and then, this cash falls shorter than the desires for the representatives in the law requirement division. The issue may emerge because of poor monetary conditions, money related fumble, or carelessness at the service level. The combined impact of these variables is that the open assignment process that is planned for financing the different divisions gets impeded and different government bodies, including the law implementing specialists may encounter finance crunch. Thusly, the wages of the law requirement authorities are not balanced according to the expanded expenses of living and looking after status. This prompts degenerate exercises including pay off and undercover work. (Benson, 1988) One type of defilement is maltreatment of power. â€Å"Abuse of power was characte rized as having three sorts; physical maltreatment (for example over the top power and fierceness), mental maltreatment (for example badgering), and legitimate maltreatment (for example damaging citizens’ rights). Defilement may likewise be theoretically partitioned by whether it serves egotistical or charitable interests.†(Jenks et al, 2012, p. 7) Hence, when law authorization authorities begin acting affected by some political motivation or rebel demeanor, the circumstance turns out to be significantly progressively confused on the grounds that then the prompt explanation for the degenerate exercises isn't basic and basic voracity. In such a situation, an emergency circumstance gets unavoidable and as indicated by the specialists like Barker (2011, p. 1), â€Å"police ethics†can limit the officials in such circumstances. Police morals advocate an orderly commitment to
Friday, August 21, 2020
Seventh Grade Essay by Gary Soto free essay sample
In French class Victor exclaims that he knows French, and afterward mumbles out an off base French sentence. Realizing that he humiliated himself, Victor gets terrified. Victor’s French educator, Mr. Bueller, doesn't utter a word, abstaining from saying that Victors French is off base. Victor has full duty in making his concern. On the off chance that Victor didn't attempt to dazzle Teresa by presenting his endeavored French then there would not be an issue. The main effect on the issue was Mr. Bueller who tackled the issue. Towards the finish of the story Victor has unquestionably gained from his experience. Victor has discovered that you ought to act naturally, despite the fact that Victor realizes he should carry on his concern by leasing French reading material so as to intrigue Teresa. I know this from the accompanying sentence, â€Å"†¦ and after science a long run to the open library, where he looked at three French reading material. He was going to like seventh grade†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and, â€Å" Victor couldn’t remain to take a gander at Teresa. We will compose a custom paper test on Seventh Grade Essay by Gary Soto or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page He was sweat-soaked with shame†. The story closes joyfully. Victor has acknowledged that he should buckle down in seventh grade to demonstrate to Teresa that he is very conversant in French. This is demonstrated in the accompanying sentence, â€Å"†¦ and after science a long run to the open library, where he looked at three French course books. He was going to like seventh grade†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The story is finished in an energizing manner with an amusing mocking comment. The short story Seventh Grade utilizes a humiliating circumstance brought about by the characters activities to dazzle a young lady. Victor, the fundamental character, comprehends that he has full duty in making his own concern. A positive mocking remark by Victor makes a cheerful end to the short story.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Biomedical Sciences Coursework About Acid-Base Balance - 1100 Words
Biomedical Sciences Coursework About Acid-Base Balance (Coursework Sample) Content: Essay TopicAuthors name Name of InstitutionACID-BASE BALANCE1. Role of excessive alcohol consumption in acid-base disturbanceAcid base imbalance causes the blood plasma to fall out of homeostatic range of 7.35 to 7.45 (Hogan, 2007). Excess of acids and bases is acidosis and alkalosis respectively. Long term alcohol abuse can lead to enlargement of the kidneys which affects hormones responsible for kidney function. This would affect the bodys ability to filter blood causing an alteration of electrolytes and water with a rise in toxic wastes. Eventually the kidneys would fail and since the kidneys play role in regulation of electrolytes, their failure causes an imbalance. The body can only process one unit of alcohol in an hour, consumption of more than one unit would lead to alcohol poisoning, and this depresses the nervous system. Breathing is consequently slowed leading to a rise in the level of carbon dioxide and thus a decrease in pH. This action is referred to as respiratory acidosis. 2. Increase in sodium level following excessive alcohol consumptionIn an effort to get rid of the excess liquor, the gag reflex is initiated. Gastric acid is expelled in the process, leading to a loss of hydrogen and chloride ions. This process can eventually lead to metabolic alkalosis. Vomiting also makes it difficult to keep food down as well as fluids further preventing the replenishment of the electrolytes.High level of sodium is referred to as hypernatremia. It is caused by dehydration of which alcohol is a major contributor. In this condition, the sodium content is at a normal level but since water has been depleted the sodium content is high at that level. Alcohol reduces the production of anti-diuretic hormone. This hormone is primarily used in reabsorption of water. It does this by increasing the permeability of the collecting ducts and distal convoluted tubule (Laycock, 2010). Vasopressin also causes an acute increase in sodium salts uptake in the a scending loop of Henle which helps in ensuring proper reabsorption of water. With lower levels of vasopressin, less water is reabsorbed by the renal system. The acute increase in sodium which aids in reabsorption are also cut short. The result is excretion of dilute urine. Continuous elimination of water causes dehydration, blood plasma becomes concentrated and sodium content becomes higher as a result. Dehydration also occurs via the gag reflex through expulsion of stomach contents. The body is unable to absorb adequate water due to the halted of production of vasopressin and so intake of water is not sufficient in replenishing the water content.3. The cause of ion gap in excessive alcohol consumption. The condition that leads to a wide anion gap is referred to as alcoholic ketoacidosis. It occurs when there is accumulation of acetoacetic acid and hydroxybutyric acid precipitated when a person ceases taking alcohol abruptly or when s/he reduces consumption. It has also been associa ted with little intake of food prior to drinking, binge drinking and persistent vomiting. It occurs because of depletion of fluids, glycogen and dinucleotide. Alcohol is metabolized using a cytosolic enzyme named Alcohol dehydrogenase to acetaldehyde which is further metabolized to aldehyde dehydrogenase. Both processes require the consumption of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. They also impair conversion of lactate to pyruvate causing an increase in lactic levels. The reduced renal function as a result of alcohol is also a contributor. This is due to the accumulation of acids.Cessation of alcohol intake is normally coupled with physically discomfort especially in the abdominal area. Ingestion of food is thereby hindered causing an elevated ketoacid production and starvation. The lack of food means there is a decrease in insulin activity. The body reacts by burning more lipids and fats for energy. The liver undergoes gluconeogenesis resulting in accumulation of Acetyl CoA which is converted to ketoacids (Nilsson Piccini, 2006).4. Respiratory and renal system compensatory response for acid base disturbanceCompensatory responses occur through the kidneys, lungs and body buffers. Rise of hydrogen ions is buffered by intracellular and extracellular buffers. Intracellular buffers being phosphates and haemoglobin while extracellular include carbonate and protein buffers. The kidney maintains homeostasis by regulating excretion of hydrogen. This ensures that plasma bicarbonate is within a tolerable limit. The kidneys also reabsorb bicarbonates and remove the acid produce by the body. The renal system maintains electro neutrality by ensuring equal absorption of anions and cations or through concurrent excretion of both of them. The kidneys respond to acidity by a reabsorbing more bicarbonate and collecting ducts secrete more hydrogen. Response to alkalosis by the kidney involves reduction in glutamine metabolism and excretion of more bicarbonate by decreasing H+ secretion in epithelial cells (Rogers, 2012).When the body pH falls, the body responds by increasing the rate of breathing. The excess carbon dioxide is removed from the system followed by a rise in pH as the number of free hydrogen ions drops. When pH rises, the body responds by lowering the rate of breathing. The level of carbon dioxide rises. After the carbon dioxide dissociates in blood plasma, the number of H+ ions increase causing a drop in pH.5. Rationale for the low glucose level and high urine ketones associated with excessive alcohol consumption.Alcohol causes an increase in secretion of insulin which promotes absorption of glucose. The liver is primarily responsible for detoxification, removal of alcohol from the system is a priority as the body registers it as a toxin. It would therefore be impaired in its function of rectifying low blood sugar by converting glycogen or fat to glucose. Many a time excessive consumption is accompanied by starvation or little to no intake of food. As a result, t...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Love Between a Parent and Child in After Making Love We...
Love Between a Parent and Child in After Making Love We Hear Footsteps There are several different definitions for the word love. Love is a simple four-letter word, with a multitude of caring and feeling behind it. There is a difference between loving somebody and being in love with somebody. The love between two best friends or between a husband and wife are the types of love that people want to last forever. However, there are no guarantees that it will last forever. Furthermore, the love between family members and the love between a parent and child is the kind of love that will last a life time. In Galway Kinnell’s poem â€Å"After Making Love We Hear Footsteps†Kinnell writes about the love between a parent and child.†¦show more content†¦The feeling of security that the parents give by being there helps the young boy sleep at night. For example, Galway Kinnell writes: and says, â€Å"Are you loving and snuggling? May I join?†he flops down between us and hugs us and snuggles himself to sleep, his face gleaming with satisfaction at being this very child. The parents understanding of knowing that the child needs security is just one the many responsibilities they have for being a parent. Furthermore, the parents feel that even though the situation there in is very frustrating, they would not give it up for anything. The love for their child will never go away. Kinnell expresses this feeling of love on the last couple of lines of the poem: This one whom habit of memory propels to the ground of his making, sleeper only the mortal sounds can sing awake, this blessing love gives again into our arms. The love between a parent and child is unconditional. It comes straight from the heart. The bond between a parent and child is something that only a parent can really understand. It starts before the child is born and will last a life time. Parents want to protect their child from any kind of harm. From the day the child is born, the mother and father will be the one that the child will depend on. The parents will be the one the child relies on whenever the child gets hurt, needs help, needs a shoulder to cry on,Show MoreRelatedAfter Making Love We Hear Footsteps Analysis964 Words  | 4 PagesLove is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own, said Robert Heinlein (YourTango). Affirmative, love can be really powerful in which the value of love from others is the greatest ecstasy in life. Love is existence everywhere around us; we are born to love and love to die with the love of family, lovers, and friends. In Galway Kinnell’s p oem â€Å"After Making Love We Hear Footsteps†Kinnell writes about the love between parents and child, and it was publishedRead MorePoetic Device Paper1374 Words  | 6 PagesKarah Joye Corbin Lockmiller 1302 English 18 July, 2013 Poetic Device Paper In the poem â€Å"After Making Love We Hear Footsteps†, Galway Kinnell creates the speaker in a way to really portray what he believes true love to be once â€Å"long-married†. The author gives great sensory details, engulfing you into the night that he produced from these fickle meters. The speaker in the poem puts family high on this list of priorities as the author shows a significant amount of importance to them fromRead MoreThe Accomplishments Of Whitney Houston1464 Words  | 6 PagesWhitney Houston: From Success to Struggles â€Å"As I lay me down, heaven hear me now. I’m lost without a cause, after giving it my all. Winter storms have come, and darkened my sun. After all that I’ve been through, who on earth can I turn to? I look to you.†This is a quote from the song â€Å"I Look to You†by Whitney Houston. This song came out right after Houston got out of rehab, making it seem like it was her recovery song and the way she told the world she was back in the entertainment world (OprahRead MoreFamily Dynamics in Homers Iliad969 Words  | 4 Pagesrelationships between parents and their sons in the Iliad are not relationships we expect to see in today’s society. The Iliad portrays the relationships between fathers and sons as something more than just physical and emotional. It is based on pride and respect for one another. The expectations of their son are more so to pass on their fathers reputable name and to follow in their father’s footsteps of being noble warriors. 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He believes that not even the love of his parents and best-friend Govinda is enough to suffice him. 4. Why does he fear that he will not find it in prescribed religious teachings? He fearsRead MoreThe Work of 19th Century Feminists Essay example1961 Words  | 8 Pagescentury feminists began to question the laws, and regulations that were placed by the government at that time. They began speaking up, quoting the bible, constitution and declaration of independence. â€Å"It was we the people, not we, the white male citizens, nor yet we, the make citizens; but we the whole people, who formed this Union†(Anthony 41). That they too were human beings, therefore citizens, which meant they were entitled to the benefits of what it meant to be a citizen not just the burden
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Socioeconomic Status Affects Cognitive Development of...
The development of children can depend on many factors, one of the important ones being socioeconomic status (SES). SES can be defined as a multidimensional construct, including measures of social factors such as power, prestige and hierarchical social status, and economic resources (Hackman and Farah, 2009). Child development can be studied from multiple dimensions such as physical, mental, social, and emotional development among others. For the purposes of this study, I will be focusing on how socioeconomic status affects child cognitive development. Cognitive development is the development of memory, reasoning, problem-solving and thinking abilities in a child. A UK based study about Socioeconomic Status and Children’s Intelligence†¦show more content†¦The study was strong in that, they used a twin study controlling the gene factor and properly studies the environment. They had a sample size of 8716 twins which a quite large sample size, representing the general pu blic. They were also able to study children of multiple ages which shows that the effects are constant regardless of age. Another study to study SES and cognitive development was done by Merete Osler1, Kirsten Avlund, and Erik Lykke Mortensen to examine the influence of social circumstances early in life on changes in cognitive function from young adulthood to middle age (2012). They looked at the impact of birth characteristics like birth weight and maternal age, childhood activities in leisure time, education and adult social class on the expected relationship. A sample of 11 532 men aged 12, 18, and 57 were assessed. To find the association of early-life characteristics with cognitive test scores, a linear regression was used. They found that the scores at age 57 years highly correlated with the scores at ages 12 and 18 years. Participants who had a father in the working class at birth were related to having lower cognitive function at all three ages. It was also found that a d ecline in cognitive function was present with low education, many social activities and minimum intellectual activities during childhood in leisure time and low adult social class. The strength of this study was that they used a large sample size, andShow MoreRelatedThe Health And Academic Performance Of Children887 Words  | 4 Pagesacademic/professional, socioeconomic backgrounds and many other attributes that contribute to diversity as a whole. As an educator you need to be fully aware of these differences among your students, so you can provide a classroom where the students are comfortable interacting with different people, ideas and backgrounds within the physical school environment. Diversity can contribute to the effects on the health and learning of children and my aim will be to narrow the selection to socioeconomic status (SES) onRead MoreEffects of Socioeconomic Status and Ethnicity on a Child1542 Words  | 7 PagesThe socioeconomic status of a family and their e thnicity has a substantial effect on their child’s early learning and determines how much their child will accomplish through life. Life events from before birth to three years old will have significant impact on brain development (Nelson, 1999). Socioeconomic status limits how much a family could provide to aid a child’s development. 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Customer Buying Behaviour free essay sample
This paper investigates the relationship between independent variables which are shopping lifestyle of consumers, fashion involvement of consumers, pre-decision stage and post-decision stage of consumer purchase behavior with the attitudinal and behavioral aspects of impulse buying behavior. This study attempts to explore the association exists between the variables involved, by tapping the responses of 165 respondents from higher income group in the area of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The major findings of the study demonstrated an overall weak association of the set of independent variables with the dependent variable but, the in-depth analysis found that pre-decision stage of consumer purchase behavior is the only variable that resulted into strong association with the impulse buying behavior. It’s true that young people more often get attracted to products displayed on store shelves and has greater tendency of impulse buying behavior but results of this paper showed no association of impulse buying in higher income group of young people having prevalent impulse buying tendencies. This study reported new evidences in the field of impulse buying behavior of consumers pertaining to the local markets of the twin cities of Pakistan. Keywords: Shopping lifestyle, fashion involvement, pre-decision stage, post-decision stage, Impulse buying behavior, Pakistan. 1. Introduction Stores are the place where buyers buy products whether it’s planned or unplanned purchase. These stores sell hundreds and thousands of products daily and consumers are consuming these products at the cost of their income. It only dependents on the income of the person, that how much and ow many times he or she visits shopping stores to buy products. It is usually seen that buyers purchase products which they have not planned and this phenomenon of unplanned purchasing is termed as impulse An Empirical Study of Consumer Impulse Buying Behavior in Local Markets 523 buying. In previous researches, researchers and scholars have tried to measure impulse purchasing of different types of product s in multiple shopping stores as it is reported by Bellenger et al. (1978); Du Pont (1965); Kollat and Willett (1967), Prasad (1975); Williams and Dardis (1972). In Pakistan there are four types of price indices; Consumer Price Index (CPI), Wholesales Price Index (WPI), Sensitive Price Index (SPI) and GDP Deflator, which are used to calculate inflation. Among these indicators, the major emphasis is on CPI as a measure of inflation, which covers 375 items in 71 markets of 35 cities of the country (Economic Survey, 2006-07). The average CPI value in the period (1990-00) was 9. 71 and it was 5. 8 in (2000-07). It is also seen that the inflation rate in lowest income group was 8. with the income ranging from below 3,000 up to 5,000 Rupees as compared to the inflation rate of 7. 3 in the upper income brackets having income of more than 12,000 Rupees. Hence, we can say with confidence that the purchasing capacities of households lying in upper income bracket in Pakistan have increased as compared to lower income groups. Here it is essential to quote the percentage shares of the income groups mentioned above. The 20% lower income group in Pakistan holds 9. 65 percent of the total income share and the 20% of the highest income group in Pakistan holds 41. 2% of the total income share where as rest goes to middle income group which is 48. 63% comprising 60% of the total income group (Federal Bureau of Statistics, 2004-05). These figures are quoted here to build a framework in which we further extend this study. Now, the figures presented earlier demonstrated that there is a tendency of impulse buying in higher income group in Pakistan as their income level clearly indicates this trend. In this study more than 80 percent of the respondents (see annexure) were related to the higher income bracket having income greater than 12,000 Rupees per month. Increased disposable income as well as credit availability has resulted in increased impulse buying habit among consumers in the retail environment as reported by Dittmar and Drury (2000). In order to tap this behavior of impulse buying in the consumer, we have selected areas of Rawalpindi and Islamabad to initiate our research. We are intending to investigate that whether higher income group having income greater than 12,000 Rupees have planned or unplanned buying behavior. The basic questions we want to investigate in this research study are as follows: Q1: What is the level of association between shopping life style and impulse buying behavior of consumers of higher income group having disposable income, shopping in the area of Rawalpindi and Islamabad? Q2: What is the level of association between fashion involvement and impulse buying behavior of consumers of higher income group having disposable income, shopping in the area of Rawalpindi and Islamabad? Q3: What is the level of association between pre-decision stage regarding purchasing and impulse buying behavior of consumers of higher income group having disposable income, shopping in the area of Rawalpindi and Islamabad? Q4: What is the level of association between post-decision stage regarding purchasing and impulse buying behavior of consumers of higher income group having disposable income, shopping in the area of Rawalpindi and Islamabad? 2. Rationale of the Study It is seen that shopping mall owners tried to exploit impulses, which are associated with the basic need for instant satisfaction. A buyer in the shopping store might not specifically be shopping for the confectionary goods like, sweets, chocolates, bubble gums, mints and biscuits. However, related confectionary items displayed at prominent places will certainly attract buyer’s attention and trigger impulse buying behavior in them. This phenomenon can easily be understood with the help of two principles/forces as a part of psychological review of literature, which interprets impulses as the consequences of these competing principles/forces. These principles are well presented in the papers of Freud (1956) and Mai,et al. (2002). These principles are stated below: 524 Muhammad Ali Tirmizi, Kashif-ur-Rehman and M. Iqbal Saif a. First, the pleasure principle b. Second, the reality principle The pleasure principle is related to immediate satisfaction felt by consumer whereas the reality principle is related to delayed gratification. There is always an ongoing competition between these two forces represented as principles within the buyer when they enter a shopping store with the intention to buy. As a consequence impulse related behavior overcomes them because impulses are usually difficult to resist and involve premeditated pleasurable experiences, as of study of Rook (1987). In this paper we are interested in finding associations among variables (see Research model and sub models) regarding spending of upper income group people regardless of linkages of these variables to different impulse buying patterns related to diversified groups of buyers. This paper will certainly add value to the existing knowledge base and simultaneously give us courage to indulge in further advance researches in the field of management sciences. This study is also useful for retailers and manufacturers who want to improve their understanding regarding consumer impulse buying behavior. 3. Purpose of the Study The purpose of the research study is to test the association of the independent variables that are; shopping life style, fashion involvement, pre-decision stage, post-decision stage regarding consumer purchasing with the dependent variable that is; impulse buying behavior of consumers who shop in the area of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. 4. Literature Review Marketing and consumer researchers over the period of forty years have tried to grasp the concept of impulse buying and defined this terminology in their own perspectives, for which some research findings are discussed here. In a research conducted by Cobb and Hoyer (1986), impulse buying was defined as an unplanned purchase and this definition can also be found in the research of Kollat and Willett (1967). In another research by Rook (1987) reported that impulse buying usually takes place, when a consumer feels a forceful motivation that turns into a desire to purchase a commodity instantly. Beatty and Ferrell (1998) defined impulse buying as instantaneous purchase having no previous aim or objective to purchase the commodity. Stern (1962) found that products bought on impulse are usually cheap. Shopping lifestyle is defined as the behavior exhibited by purchaser with regard to the series of personal responses and opinions about purchase of the products as reported by Cobb and Hoyer (1986). They find that shopping life style and impulse buying behavior are closely related but only in the case of impulse buyers. The study also states that impulse purchasers fell in the middle as of the measurement tools used by the researchers, indicated that purchasers will not pick the first brand they spotted in the shopping mall. In researches conducted by Cha (2001); Han et al. , (1991); Ko (1993) it is reported that impulse buying behavior regarding fashion products are associated with patterns like chaste, repeated emotions as well as fashion-oriented impulse buying behaviors. These facts were also quoted by Park et al. (2006). The definition of fashion involvement basically relates to apparel associated with fashionable outfits. The findings of Han et al. (1991) quoted in response to fashion involvement of consumers, that it might enhance fashion-oriented impulse buying behaviors among those who habitually wear fashion outfits. Fairhurst et al. (1989) and Seo et al. (2001) found a direct association among fashion involvement and apparels purchase. Positive emotions are defined as affects and moods, which determine intensity of consumer decision-making reported by Watson and Tellegen (1985). Park (2006) found a positive relationship of positive emotions, fashion involvement and fashion-oriented impulse buying with the overall impulse buying behavior of the consumers. Ko (1993) reported that An Empirical Study of Consumer Impulse Buying Behavior in Local Markets 525 positive emotions may result into fashion related impulse purchase. The researches of Beatty and Ferrell (1998); Husman (2000); Rook and Gardner (1993); Youn and Faber, (2000) found that emotions strongly influence buying behaviors, which result into consumer impulse buying. Babin and Babin (2001) ound that in stores consumer’s purchasing intentions and spending can largely be influenced by emotions. These emotions may be specific to certain things for example, the features of the items, customer self interest, consumer’s gauge of evaluating items and the importance they give to their purchasing at a store. Piron (1993) found that the total of nine items, a combination of pre-decision and post-de cision stages indicators, resulted into high significant differences and the values of correlations for unplanned purchases done by consumers resulted into higher value as compared to purchases done by consumers on impulse. Their study indicated that out of total questionnaires distributed which were 361, 53 were unplanned purchasers and 145 were impulse buyers (total= 198). 4. 1. Research Model Shopping lifestyle of consumer Fashion involvement of the consumer Pre-decision stage of the consumer regarding buying products Post-decision stage of the consumer regarding buying products ? = 0. 42 ? = 0. 710 ? = 0. 451 Attitudinal and Behavioral aspect of Impulse Buying Tendency and Frequency of consumers ? = 0. 653 ? = 0. 552 The above diagrammatical research model can be written in a mathematical form and the mathematical model of this research is stated below: ImpBB c, t = ? o + ? 1 Shoplifc, t + ? 2 Fashinvc, t + ? 3 Predec c, t + + ? c, t ? 4 Posdec c, t The mathematical equation given above has the following interpretations, given in the table 1 below: 526 Table 1: Symbol ? ? c t Constant IV-1 IV-2 IV-3 IV-4 Muhammad Ali Tirmizi, Kashif-ur-Rehman and M. Iqbal Saif Symbols and their meanings of the mathematical model Meaning Constant Model error Consumer Buying at a particular time ImpBB Shoplif Fashinv Predec Posdec Impulse buying Behavior Shopping lifestyle Fashion involvement Pre-decision stage Post-decision stage 4. 2. Hypothesis The hypotheses formulated after review of the literature are given below: H1: Shopping lifestyle of the consumers has a strong association with the impulse buying behavior of the consumers. H2: Fashion involvement of consumers has a strong association with the impulse buying behavior of the consumers. H3: Pre-decision stage of the consumer intending to buy a product has a strong association with the impulse buying behavior of the consumers. H4: post-decision stage of the consumer who has bought the product has a strong association with the impulse buying behavior of the consumers. The testing of the hypotheses is confined to the primary data collected from the area of Islamabad and Rawalpindi (the twin cities). 5. Methodology 5. 1. Sample The consumers, who shop in general stores, departmental stores, boutiques, shopping malls, small retail outlets, etc, in the area of Islamabad and Rawalpindi were taken as the population for this study. A convenient sample (non-probability sampling method) of 165 consumers was pooled up for the current study in which respondents of this study were requested to complete the questionnaire on voluntary basis and not a single attempt was made to chase non-respondents. Among the respondents, 74. 1% were related to the income group of more than 20,000 Rupees, 26. 1% related to the income group of less than 20,000 Rupees, 47. 9% were male and 52. 1% were female, 77% were between the age of (20-29), 3% were between the age of (50-59), 80% were unmarried and 18. 2% were married, 53. % were having masters degree and 33. 3% were having bachelor’s degree (see annexure). 5. 2. Instrumentation The instrument contained sub-parts. These sub-parts of the instrument were retrieved from different previous studies. The behavioral aspect of impulse buying in which items were arranged to measure the impulse buying tendency was adopted from the paper of Rook and Fisher (1995) and then further modif ied. Whereas, the attitudinal aspect of impulse buying in which items were arranged to measure frequency was adopted from the paper of Kacen and Lee (2002) and then further modified. This scale can also be found in the study of Mai et al. (2002). The sub-part of the questionnaire regarding consumer lifestyle was adopted from the paper of Cobb and Hoyer (1986), where items are measured on 5-point likert scale ranging from (1 = definitely disagree, 5 = definitely agree). The sub-part of the questionnaire regarding fashion involvement was adopted from the paper of Park et al. (2006), where items are measured on 7-point likert scale ranging from (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree). The An Empirical Study of Consumer Impulse Buying Behavior in Local Markets 27 sub-part of the questionnaire regarding pre-decision and post-decision stage of consumer purchasing was adopted from the paper of Piron (1993), where items are measured on 5-point likert scale ranging from (1 = definitely disagree, 5 = definitely agree). After collecting 100 responses the reliability of the instrument was checked by the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The value of Cronba ch’s Alpha was 0. 710, which confirmed the reliability of the instrument and then further responses up to 165 were collected. This instrument basically comprised of four parts in which questions were distributed regarding, Consumer lifestyle, fashion involvement, pre-decision stage and post-decision stage of consumer purchasing. 5. 3. Procedure The data collected was by means of well developed, adopted scale having four parts. This instrument was further modified according to the needs of the current study. All of the questionnaires were distributed among the respondents in the area of Rawalpindi and Islamabad personally by the researchers. Total of 200 questionnaires were distributed, but 165 questionnaires were returned. Thus, questionnaires recovery rate equaled 82 percent. The data was collected in the time frame of 20 days and then responses were fed into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 15 for analysis and evaluation. Multiple regression analysis was used as a statistical test to determine the degree of relationship between the variables involved in this study (Mai et al. , 2002). 6. Results and Discussion 6. 1. Results The data presented in table 2, shows the results extracted on the basis of multiple regression to find the association level between the Independent variables and the dependent variable. The testing of hypotheses developed earlier revealed the following results after which the mathematical model of this research has been modified: ? o ? 1Shoplif c, t ? 2 Fashinv c, t + ? 3 Predec c, t ImpBB c, t = ? 4 Posdec c, t + ? c, t The above modification of the mathematical model shows that hypothesis 1, 2 and 4 are rejected based on their weak associations among the variables involved (p 0. 5). Hypothesis 3 is only accepted based on the strong association among the variables involved (p 0. 05). Table 2: Constant 1. 328 (0. 340) [3. 908] . 000 Result of Hypothesis Testing (Beta Coefficients, Standard error in parenthesis, t-Value in Brackets and P- Values in italics) IV-1 . 123 (0. 093) [1. 320] . 189 H1 Rejected IV-2 . 076 (0. 041) [1. 837] . 068 H2 Rejected IV-3 . 279 (0. 060) [4. 618] . 000 H3 Accepted IV-4 . 125 (0. 084) [1. 494] . 137 H4 Rejected R Square . 302 F-Statistics 17. 324 .000 Legend: Constant: Attitudinal and Behavioral aspect of Impulse Buying Tendency and Frequency of consumers IV-1: Shopping lifestyle of consumer IV-2: Fashion involvement of the consumer IV-3: Pre-decision stage of the consumer regarding buying products IV-4: Post-decision stage of the consumer regarding buying products The results reveal that independent variable of pre-decision stage of the consumer regarding buying products account variation in the dependent variables with t-value [4. 618] that is significant at (p 0. 5), where as independent variables; shopping lifestyle of consumer, fashion involvement of the consumer and post-decision stage of the consumers regarding buying products account no variation in 528 Muhammad Ali Tirmizi, Kashif-ur-Rehman and M. Iqbal Saif the dependent variable with t-values that are not significant at (p 0. 05). We found that there is positive significant impact of these independent variables on the dependent variable (F = 17. 324)(p 0. 05). The va lue of Beta for all the independent variables shows a positive association within the model of coefficients. The value of (R-Square = 0. 302) and (R = 0. 550) predicting a moderate relationship between the set of independent variables and the dependent variable with the reduced error of prediction by 30. 2 percent. 6. 2. Discussion A positive relationship of fashion involvement with the impulse buying behavior of the consumers was reported by Park (2006). Where as, in our study, statistics showed a negative association between fashion involvement and attitudinal and behavioral aspects of impulse buying. Here, according to the statistical interpretation of results fashion involvement can’t be taken as impulse buying because consumers having fashion interests, if it is the case, usually buy branded products of high quality and style and like to purchase fashion apparels from their specified shops or boutiques. The study of Coob and Hoyer (1986) reported a strong association between shopping life style and impulse buying behavior. But, in our study shopping lifestyle is negatively associated with the overall impulse buying behavior which is evident from the fact that majority of the consumers are regular buyers because 53. % of them hold masters degrees and can plan their purchases. These buyers usually buy from routine store or shops and mostly avoid impulse buying. The statistics of table 2, showed that there is a positive relationship between pre-decision stage of consumer purchase and impulse buying behavior which can be supported by the study of Piron (1993), where they fou nd high significance difference and association for the total of nine items combining pre-decision and post-decision stage of consumer purchasing with impulse buying. Whereas, deviation in the statistical results are found in the case of post-decision stage of consumer’s purchasing behavior. Hence, According to the results of the analysis, young people having age between (20-29 years), holding master or bachelor degree and belong to a household having income greater than 12,000 Rupees are wise spenders because they plan their spending, have less fashion involvement as table-3 shows that among 165 respondents majority dress for comfort not fashion. But, this higher income group of young people have behavioral tendency of impulse buying at pre-decision stage of buying, which is evident from the results of table-2. Here, it is imperative to mention that in Pakistan young people using live in a joint family system. Table 3: Response of respondents on an item regarding fashion involvement I usually dress for fashion not comfort, if I must choose between two (N=165) Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Strongly disagree 35 212 21. 2 21. 2 Very disagree 33 20. 20. 0 41. 2 Disagree 20 12. 1 12. 1 53. 3 Neither agree nor disagree 21 12. 7 12. 7 66. 1 Agree 20 12. 1 12. 1 78. 2 Very agree 20 12. 1 12. 1 90. 3 Strongly agree 16 9. 7 9. 7 100. 0 Total 165 100. 0 100. 0 Valid 7. Conclusion The results of this research study clearly indicate that there exits a weak association between consumer lifestyle, fashion involvement and post-decision stage of consumer’s purchasing behavior with the impulse buying behavior includ ing the attitudinal as well as behavioral aspects of the consumers An Empirical Study of Consumer Impulse Buying Behavior in Local Markets 529 buying behavior. Pre-decision stage of consumer’s purchasing behavior established strong association with the impulse buying behavior of the consumers. So, it is established through this research that consumers purchasing products in the area of Islamabad and Rawalpindi plan their purchases, having shopping lifestyle related to planned purchases and their post-decisions are also not guilty. The pre-decision stage of the purchasing associate these buyers with unplanned or impulse buying because these days stores are full of variety of products and a buyer can easily get interested in purchasing a product which appeals him or her while shopping the planned list of products and here pleasure principle comes into play. 8. Further research There is a need to conduct research regarding personality characteristics of consumers and find their impact on the impulse buying behavior in Pakistan, for which differences can be compared if research is conducted separately in the groups of male and female consumers. This proposed research can bring to surface the true association of personality characteristics of the consumers having impulse buying behavior and will also facilitate in identifying the main influential psychological factors accelerating the impulse buying behavior in consumers and it will definitely help practitioners in improving their marketing strategies regarding products sales.
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